Instructions to Authors
Aims and Scopes Mycologia Iranica is an international, peerreviewed, open-access, full color, fast-track research journal of the Iranian Mycological Society (IMyS). Mycologia Iranica publishes original contributions in all fields of basic and applied research involving fungi and fungus-like organisms (including filamentous fungi, yeasts, lichen fungi, symbiont fungi, mycorrhiza, Oomycetes, and slime molds) in agriculture, forest, industry, food industry and soil biology. Priority is given to contributions likely to be of interest to a wide international audience. Publication in Mycologia Iranica is for both members and nonmembers of the IMyS.
5a. |
Basidiomata small, pleurotoid (subgenus Claudopus) |
6 |
b |
Basidiomata different |
7 |
6a |
Basidiomata incarnate-pink |
E. indocarneum |
b |
Basidiomata ink blue |
E. nubilum |
Notes or articles with fewer than four printed pages, including illustrations, will ordinarily be published as short articles. The manuscript format should be similar to that of regular articles, except that no primary headings are used other than to designate REFERENCES. Secondary headings may be used and encouraged for clarity of the organization.
Neatly typed clean copy is required. Double-space throughout (all parts, including title, addresses, footnotes, legends, tables, and references). Use line-number guides (left margin) in the original version. Leave a 2.5 cm margin on all sides. All texts must be left aligned such that the right margin is uneven (not right-justified). Remove all extra vertical spaces above or below titles, headings, or paragraphs (except in references). Do not format additional space between paragraphs or sections; these will be produced by typesetting codes in the press.
The main text document was drafted in Microsoft Word (. doc or .docx) to aid in copy editing of accepted papers. Please do not submit article files or tables as PDF files; an editable file is needed for copy editing. The text should be in single-column format. Manuscripts requiring extensive alterations by the editor will be returned to the author for the correction of the computer file.
Identify each page (other than the first) with the first author’s name and page number in the top-right margin. Do not place page breaks between the sections.
For Web references, as a minimum, the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, date, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be provided. Web references are included in the reference list. In the References section, citations are strictly alphabetical, with papers having the same authors arranged according to date. Each reference should include the full title of the paper and journal, volume number, and the final and first page numbers. In the case of chapters in books, the names of editors, first and last page numbers of the articles, publisher, and place of publication are required. Examples:
Black, J.A. and Taylor, J.E., 1999a. Article title. Studies in Mycology 13:1–10.
Black, J.A. and Taylor, J.E. In press. Article title. Fungal Biology.
Black, J.A, Taylor, J.E. and White, D.A., 1981. Article title. In: Book title. (K.A. Seifert, W. Jones & P. Jones, eds): 11–30. Press, Country.
Simpson H. and Seifert K.A. 2000. Book title. 2nd edn. Press, Country.
White D.A. 2001. Dissertation title. PhD thesis, Department, University, Country.
Wijayawardene, N.N., Hyde, K.D., Al-Ani, L.K.T., Tedersoo, L., Haelewaters, D., et al. 2020. Article title. Mycosphere 11: 1060-1056. (for articles with more than five authors)
Note that the references do not contain any BOLD. All taxonomic ranks should be in italics. Do not include personal communication, unpublished data, manuscripts, or partial page numbers from books and thesis; place such references in the text. Manuscripts must have been accepted for publication before they may be cited (in press). A copy of the letter of acceptance can be requested.
Detailed examples:
The new species appears as follows:
Prosopidicola mexicana Crous & C.L. Lennox, sp. nov. — MycoBank xxx; Fig. 4–12 Note that both single and multiple figures are marked as Fig. It is Fig. but also Fig. 3, 4.
Basionym: Genus species authors, journal (abbreviated according to IPNI) 5:19. 1920.
= for synonym
≡ for obligate synonym (indent)
Etymology — note this appears immediately below the Latin name(s)
Latin in smaller font [10], not italic, paragraph not indented after a preceding open line
English description paragraph not to be indented after a preceding open line
Note that ‘–’ (en-dash) is used for the minus sign and all kinds of ranges, not an ordinary hyphen. 4-5 x 7-10 µm, NOT 4–5 ´ 7–10 µm
Colors: grey-black hyphenated, but greyish-black not.
The use of a color chart is required to rate colors.
Type of space in front of all the units (including % and °C).
If similarity to another genus is expressed, use e.g. leptosphaeria-like and acremonium-like; in ‘acremonium-like’ and similar expressions the generic name is degraded to a technical descriptive term, which may be acceptable for well-known anamorphic genera.
When two bracket systems are required, round brackets are always used ( ( ) ).
Quotes: Normal quotes between single inverted commas, ‘xxx’; double inverted commas “xxx” may be required for quotations inside another quote or for some deviating expressions, such as an original spelling that has been corrected.
Subsequent paragraphs are indented
Cultural characteristics — (use m-dash)
Substratum — (use m-dash)
Distribution — (use m-dash)
Specimens examined. South Africa, Western Cape Province, Stellenbosch, on pods of Prosopis glandulosa, September 24, 2001, C.L. Lennox, holotype Herb. CBS 7948, culture ex-type CBS 113529; Somerset West .... Zambia , ………… .
Give countries all over the world alphabetic sequences. A semicolon (;) was used for all specimens originating from one country. Months are abbreviated to three letters with a period, except for May, June, July, and Sept.
Note that all types (isotype, paratype, epitype, etc.) were roman-type. When a lectotype, neotype or epitype is designated in the present paper, this must be stated (‘designated here’), in newly described taxa this formulation is not needed (Art. 7.11 ICBN does say this, but in a hidden way, by reference to Arts 9.17 and 10.5).
Ex-type cultures CBS XXX (note hyphens in extype and space between CBS and number).
Figure and Table numbers in roman type: Use always ‘Fig.’
Fig. 10. Prosopidicola mexicana. a. Vertical section through a pycnidium; b. conidia; c. range of variation
observed among young (left) and mature (right) conidiophores and conidiogenous cells. — Scale bars = 10 µm.
Number ALL illustrative material consistently as Fig. (not Plate).
Lowercase letters should be used for numbering within a figure.
In ALL sentences, beginning with a Latin generic name, this name is given in full. Do not start paragraphs or sentences with abbreviations if this can be helped. Blumeria graminis is a super pathogen. NOT: B. graminis is a super pathogen.
Types of Papers
Papers appropriate for the journal are:
(1) Original articles reporting original research which makes a significant contribution to mycology.
(2) Short articles reporting research or new techniques. Short notes must not exceed 6 manuscript pages (ca. 26 880 characters, plus 1 table, 1 illustration) and should be accompanied by a brief explanation of their novelty and significance.
(3) Short reports reporting new findings. Short reports must not exceed 3 manuscript pages (plus 1 table or 1 illustration).
(4) Review articles: by invitation, substantial and indepth on topics of interest to a wide range of mycologists; and one at most per issue.
All manuscripts are subject to peer review and copy editing. Regular articles will be published in order of acceptance. They must not have been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. Approximately two to three months after acceptance authors will receive an e-mail with a link to download page proofs.
Electronic and hard copy published twice per year (June and December).
Page Charge
This journal has no page charge.
Journal Title Abbreviation: Mycol. Iran.
B Sharifnabi, Editor-in-Chief
Department of Plant Protection
College of Agriculture
Isfahan University of Technology
Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran