About Journal

Papers appropriate for the journal are:

(1) Research articles reporting original research which makes a significant contribution to mycology

(2) Short articles reporting research or new techniques. Short notes must not exceed 6 manuscript pages (ca. 26 880 characters, plus 1 table, 1 illustration) and should be accompanied by a brief explanation of their novelty and significance.

(3) Short reports reporting new findings. Short reports must not exceed 3 manuscript pages (plus 1 table or 1 illustration).

(3) Review articles: by invitation, substantial and in-depth on topics of interest to a wide range of mycologists; and one at most per issue.

(4) Data analysis and Checklist

All manuscripts are subject to peer review and copy editing. Regular articles will be published in order of acceptance. They must not have been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. Approximately two to three months after acceptance authors will receive an e-mail with a link to download page proofs.


Electronic and hard copy published twice per year (June and December).

 Article Processing Charge (APC)

Mycologia Iranica offers free publishing with no Article Processing Charges (APC) for all authors.

Copyright and License

The Journal of Mycologia Iranica is an open-access journal published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, adaptation, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.

All articles published in this semimanual journal are digitally archived at ISC and Magiran.

As a condition of publication in the Journal of Mycologia Iranica, all authors agree to the following license/copyright ownership terms:

First publication rights for original work accepted for publication are granted to the Journal of Mycologia Iranica, but copyright for all works published in the journal remains with the author(s). Works published in the Journal of Mycologia Iranica will be distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). By granting the CC BY license to their work, authors retain ownership of the copyright in the work but give others express permission to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy the work, as long as the original source and author(s) are properly cited (i.e., a full bibliographic citation and a link to the Journal of Mycologia Iranica website). No permission from the author(s) or publishers is required for such use. According to the terms of the CC BY license, any reuse or redistribution must reflect the original terms of the CC BY license. Exceptions to the use of the CC BY license may be granted at the discretion of the editors if there are reasonable extenuating circumstances. Such exceptions must be granted in writing by the journal editors. In the absence of a written exception, the CC BY license will apply to all published works.

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It will be the author's responsibility to secure all necessary copyright clearances for the use of third-party materials in their manuscript. Authors must provide written evidence of this permission upon acceptance of their manuscript.