A detailed account on the statistics of the Fungi and fungus-like taxa of Iran

Document Type : Review Article


Department of Botany, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran


This review paper provides the first attempt at compiling a classification of all taxa in the kingdom Fungi and fungus-like taxa, reported from Iran until the end of 2021. The list of all fungal genera reported from Iran and their placement at the higher-level classification (phyla, classes, orders and families) is presented. The number of described species per genus is also given. The country harbors 4500 species under 1194 genera, 366 families, 116 orders, 38 classes and 13 phyla. Of these, 4271 species distributed in 1150 genera, 353 families, 107 orders, 34 classes and 10 phyla belong to the kingdom Fungi. The remaining taxa belong to two fungus-like kingdoms: Chromista (191 species, 23 genera, four families, four orders, two classes and one phylum) and Protozoa (38 species, 21 genera, nine families, five orders, two classes and two phyla). Ascomycota (2278 species, 656 genera, 184 families, 55 orders and 11 classes) and Basidiomycota (1857 species, 441 genera, 139 families, 39 orders and 11 classes) predominate other groups.


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Volume 9, Issue 2
December 2022
Pages 1-96
  • Receive Date: 30 August 2022
  • Revise Date: 25 October 2022
  • Accept Date: 18 December 2022
  • Publish Date: 30 December 2022