Fungal species associated with leaf spot on mango trees in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jiroft, Jiroft, Iran.

2 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jiroft, Jiroft, 78671-55311, Iran

3 Plant Protection Research Department, Baluchestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Iranshahr, Iran


During a survey of leaf spots on tropical trees, symptomatic leaf tissue of mango trees was collected from several sites in the Hormozgan, and Sistan and Baluchestan provinces. Isolations were performed on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and wet paper media at 25 °C. As a result, several fungal species were obtained, that three isolates belonging to Bartalinia and four of Beltrania. Phylogeny based on DNA sequences of the large subunit of the ribosomal RNA (LSU) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS-rDNA) regions combined with morphological criteria revealed the species of Bartalinia pini and Beltrania rhombica. To our knowledge, both species, B. pini and Be. rhombica are new species for the Funga of Iran.


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