Aquatic Mycobiota of Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Maharashtra, India: Taxonomy & Ecology

Document Type : Original Article


1 Botanical Survey of India, Western Regional Centre, 7, Koregaon Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

2 Botanical Survey of India, India


The present paper is concerned with description of taxonomic diversity and study of aspects of ecology of water-borne microfungal biota of Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP). The study area is home to freshwater streams, lakes and a saline creek. The study resulted in 28 isolates of water fungi obtained from 20 water samples. After morpho-molecular analysis, a total of 22 species were documented under 5 genera. Aspergillus was the dominant genus with 12 species, whereas Aspergillus flavus and A. terreus were dominant species, each represented by 3 isolates. Gini-Simpson’s index was 0.9439, Shannon’s index was 2.9978. Pielou’s evenness index was 0.9698, causing observed species richness (22) to be greater than true diversity, calculated as the effective number of species (20).


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Volume 9, Issue 1
June 2022
Pages 21-40
  • Receive Date: 30 January 2022
  • Revise Date: 10 March 2022
  • Accept Date: 19 April 2022
  • Publish Date: 01 June 2022