Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Trichoderma viridescens

Document Type : Original Article


Plant Protection Department, Agriculture Faculty, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran



Fungi have been subjected to genetic 
engineering in various ways. Agrobacterium 
tumefaciens-mediated transformation (AtMT) is an 
important method for the genetic manipulation of 
different fungal species. Here, gene transfer to 
Trichoderma viridescens was performed and 
optimized using A. tumefaciens strain pSDM2315. 
Also, the effect of different temperatures on the growth 
and conidiation rates of the wild-type and transformed 
fungi was investigated. The results indicated that the 
best conditions for maximum transformation in T. 
viridescens were the combination of one day of 
incubation, 28˚C, pH 5.0, and a concentration of 107
conidia mL-1
. The results of gene transfer and stable 
expression of transgenes were confirmed using 
sequential culture in selective media and PCR.
Moreover, the mycelial growth of transformed fungi at 
different temperatures did not show an obvious 
difference from the wild-type, but the mutants 
produced different numbers of conidia. This indicates 
the potential of AtMT for functional mutagenesis and 
physiological studies in T. viridescens. 
